Semoir mécanique Darina 6 (21/300) Seeder disc-anchor neuf

semoir mécanique  Darina 6 (21/300) Seeder disc-anchor neuf
semoir mécanique  Darina 6 (21/300) Seeder disc-anchor neuf
semoir mécanique  Darina 6 (21/300) Seeder disc-anchor neuf image 2
semoir mécanique  Darina 6 (21/300) Seeder disc-anchor neuf image 3
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Type:  semoir mécanique
Localisation:  Ukraine m.Dnipro
Mise en ligne:  26 avr. 2024
Identifiant dans le stock du vendeur:  10583
État:  neuf

Informations supplémentaires — Semoir mécanique Darina 6 (21/300) Seeder disc-anchor neuf

Designed for continuous sowing using zero technology No-Till of grain, industrial and oilseeds, provides a starting dose of fertilizers in the sowing horizon. A special feature of the seeder is the sowing system with the coulters on a parallelogram suspension, which provides individual copying of the soil relief for each sowing unit.
convenient and easy to use;
increased reliability and durability of components and the unit as a whole;
minimal damage to the surface layer of the soil;
minimal ingress of stubble into the seed hole;
accurate and even sowing at the desired depth, even over large amounts of crop residues;
flanged split disc that cuts through crop residues with ease;
narrow anchor opener with a mechanism for adjusting the seeding depth;
a seed compactor installed behind the opener, ensuring tight contact of the seed with the soil;
the following closing wheel, which ensures the closure of the furrow formed by the anchor, and also prevents the creation of air pockets and excessive compaction of the seedbed. Also, the design of the wheel eliminates the adhesion of dirt and prevents the formation of dry crust on dry soil on hot and windy days.
L'offre est présentée uniquement à titre informatif. Veuillez contacter le vendeur pour plus d'informations.
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